State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: S.B. 1486

            Farnsworth E Floor Amendment

            Reference to: printed bill

            Amendment drafted by: Jake Agron





1.    Requires the Department of Child Safety (DCS), when considering out-of-home placement of a child in DCS custody, to make reasonable efforts to obtain the outlined state record information.

2.    Requires DCS to verify within seven days after a child is placed with an
out-of-home placement provider that a behavioral health evaluation has been scheduled, rather than behavioral health services have begun.

3.    Requires DCS to refer, rather than provide, services that assist an out-of-home placement provider with caring for the child in the home.

4.    Requires DCS, in any court hearing regarding an out-of-home placement, to inform the court of compliance status with independent living program and vital document requirements.

5.    Requires DCS, following a request for an original birth certificate and social security number for a child who is placed with an out-of-home placement provider, to indicate compliance with prescribed requirements and timelines related to the provision of medical and behavioral health services or demonstrate to the court that appropriate grievance filings have been made through the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS).

6.    Requires DCS to inform the court of compliance status regarding the required release of medical and behavioral health records to a child who is at least 17 years and 9 months of age.

7.    Removes the requirement that the Governor's Office track and report annually the number of times an out-of-home placement provider files a grievance alleging DCS's failure to comply with the child record and information sharing requirements.

8.    Removes the requirement that the Governor's Office track and report to DCS on the number of times an out-of-home placement provider files a grievance.

9.    Removes the authorization for an out-of-home placement provider or an immediate in-home family member to obtain services from an AHCCCS provider for any damage inflicted by a foster child through the child's Medicaid eligibility.

10. Makes technical and conforming changes.


Fifty-fourth Legislature                                             Farnsworth E

Second Regular Session                                                  S.B. 1486




(Reference to printed bill)


Page 1, line 10, after "1." Insert "Make reasonable efforts to"; strike "all"

Line 44, strike "services" insert "evaluations"; strike "initiated" insert "SCHEDULED"

Page 2, line 1, strike "provide" insert "refer for"

Line 2, strike "to care" insert "in caring"; strike "as"

Line 3, strike "identified through the child and family team meeting"

Line 4, strike "shall" insert "may"

Line 14, after "section" insert "and independent living services 8-513 subsection E, vital documents 8-514.06, the department having requested an original birth certificate and social security number for a child that is in the care of the department and who is placed in out-of-home placement, medical and behavioral health timelines being followed per ahcccs policy guidelines or provide a copy showing appropriate grievance filings have been made through ahcccs. For a child that is in state’s custody who is seventeen years and nine months of age and older, the department shall inform the court of the department’s compliance or noncompliance in releasing a complete copy of child’s known or available medical and behavioral health records to the child"

Page 2, strike lines 20 through 32

Reletter to conform

Strike lines 38 through 46

Strike pages 3 through 6

Page 7, strike lines 1 through 39

Renumber to conform

Amend title to conform







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